Monday, May 12, 2008

survey says!

dearest readers, as most of you know, jason's family runs a dairy farm.  they milk about 100 jersey cows and jason is works there as well as his brother cleeson.  anyhoo...the farm will be hosting "family night on the farm" on june 12th.  judy asked me if i would take the family picture to go out in the brochures/mailings and such.  so tonight (since it finally wasn't raining) we attempted a family picture.  below are the two best contenders.  which one do you like best?  leave me a comment if you don't mind.  and then stop on out for family night on the farm if you are in the area!

Option A

Option B


The Osborne Family said...

My first thought was the 2nd one, Option B, because it advertises the farm. But, I also really like Option A if you're just going for a great family pic. Tough choices!

Ancestor Scraps
