Tuesday, June 10, 2008

yes, i'm here...

have you been wondering where i've been?  or am i just flattering myself?  i'm still alive and kicking.  so busy with school, i can hardly breathe.  i started my second summer session last week and am taking "principles of financial accounting".  excuse me while i vomit.  today during class, i found myself thinking..."who thinks up this crap?"  and then my professor tells us that some french monk back in the 1600's came up with it.  seriously?  didn't he have anything better to do?

we put up one of those big trampolines yesterday.  the kids are loving it.  when i came out of my shower this morning at 6:45, they were already dressed and outside jumping!  i wish i felt like jumping on a trampoline at 6:45 am.  imagine what i could accomplish if that were the case.

we've spent time with my grandparents over memorial day weekend.  it's a tradition to go to the cemetery every year.  mattie had her spring concert and wrapped up school last week.  can't believe she'll be in 2nd grade next year!

yes.  this is my hubby and my grandma attempting to roast hotdogs in the rain!  now that's dedication!

the rain stopped and we were able to roast some marshmallows.  or washmallows as elijah calls them.

mattie's outdoor spring concert.  more to come on that...

Ancestor Scraps
